Easily replaced...

I caught up with a friend from back home (Auckland) and as we were reflecting on life. We both realized it’d been over a year that we entered our new roles.  Thinking about how far we’ve come, what we’ve learnt and still enjoy in our respective mahi (work).

Our journeys for the most part been a positive one, but not without challenges. The constant pace and busyness have come at a price. Losing ourselves in the process, deeply focussed on work and not much else.

We both agreed that we are more than our jobs, it doesn’t define us, and reality is we could easily be replaced.

So how do you set healthy boundaries when you’re the one who blurs the lines?

Welcome to DRIVE’s inspirational corner to elevate mindset, find your flow, and move with confidence.

So, what is life outside of work? Good question, I started asking myself this very thing. In my previous blog
‘Tapping in’

I wrote about feeling lost and sense of joy slipping away. I brainstormed the things that were once joyful to me, and I ended covering my apartment wall in post it notes!

Just a little over a year into my role, the penny dropped that I’d become borderline obsessed with the work as I truly enjoy it. In the process I’ve created unhealthy habits (no boundaries), staying past 5pm, only to jump back online when I got home, telling myself ‘Oh just one more email Zee, then you won’t feel so rushed tomorrow’.

I’d convinced myself that I’d feel better when 1. I catch up on all the work and 2. Get on top of all my projects.

Not realistic as who knows what tomorrow will bring and I don’t quite know the rules of this imaginary race that continues to loop in my head. What am I trying to prove to myself or others?

For every task or project completed there’s probably 3 more waiting in the lobby, waiting to hear me say ‘Nexxxt’.

The 1 to 3 tasks ratio is not based on scientific research, it’s just myself recognizing my own behaviors of how I love to take on a bunch of things, get caught up in the excitement of it, then ask myself ‘why do I do this to myself’ when it becomes all too much.

My enthusiasm gets the better of me so if there’s an award for jumping headfirst into projects, then I win!

As I’ve been curating my life, with the things I’m involved in, I’m also taking a moment to reflect on my behaviors, reaction, and approach when new opportunities appear. I’m asking myself questions to ensure I understand what I’m putting my hand up for and if I’m even the right person with the right skills for it.

Key questions:

1. Is this what I really want to do, will it spin my wheels, add value to my life and as a person?

2. Am I the right person, how will I add value to it?

3. Do I have the time or is it the right time for me?

With this experience, I leave you with 3 tips!

1. No awards for being busy.

There are no awards for being the busiest, ever! When out of the spin cycle and feeling like you’ve got room to breathe, don’t add something into your life for the sake of it. With a clear purpose & goal, you’ll know the next step from your ‘action’ list to focus your energy, strengthen it, not add more.

2. Help or hinder.

Being honest with yourself when an opportunity appears will this hinder or help my progress and in turn will I help or hinder the progress of this opportunity as we aren’t always the right person for the job at hand. For everything that walk away from, they’ll be something else that’s meant for you.

3. True cost of time.

Work out the true cost of time. I love the growth mindset as learning never stops. I also encourage us to work out the time investment required, work related or within your community.  For e.g., I attend a monthly, one hour meeting (volunteer), love the organization. At first, I only considered the ‘1 hour’ online, then realized 1.5hrs is reading board papers as prep and another 1hr anticipating an ‘action’ assigned as result of meeting. So that’s a total of under 4hrs per month. It may not seem much but like with anything things do add up right?. 

To close, if what I’ve shared resonates, then I’d say to you not to be discouraged by all the amazing things you’re currently doing and involved in. More to recognize our approach that either help or hinder our progress and well-being. We can’t pour from an empty cup, so always know the true cost of your time and let’s value this more.

Remember, you are the engine room and vehicle for greatness, keep it simple, keep it moving.

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Thank you for visiting the DRIVE inspirational corner to elevate mindset, find your flow, move with confidence.


Leading With Confidence